1. The act of pouring a fluid over the body. 2. A reddening of the surface. 3. The condition of being wet with a fluid. 4. SYN: extravasate (2). [L. suffusio, fr. suffundo (subf-), to pour out]
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suf·fu·sion sə-'fyü-zhən n
1) the act or process of suffusing or state of being suffused with something specif the spreading of a fluid of the body into the surrounding tissues <a \suffusion of blood>
2) a coloring spread over a surface (as the face)
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the spreading of a flush across the skin surface, caused by changes in the local blood supply.
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suf·fu·sion (sə-fuґzhən) [L. suffusio] 1. the process of overspreading, or diffusion. 2. the condition of being moistened or of being permeated through, as by blood.Medical dictionary. 2011.