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1. A torn or jagged wound, or an accidental cut wound. 2. The process or act of tearing the tissues. [L. lacero, pp. -atus, to tear to pieces]
- through-and-through l. a l. that penetrates two surfaces of a structure, generally restricted to skin or mucosal surfaces, such as the cheek, lip, ala nasi, pinna, etc.
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lac·er·a·tion .las-ə-'rā-shən n
1) the act of lacerating
2) a torn and ragged wound
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a tear in the flesh producing a wound with irregular edges.
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lac·er·a·tion (las″ər-aґshən) [L. laceratio] 1. the act of tearing. 2. a torn, ragged, mangled wound.Medical dictionary. 2011.