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1. Production of milk. 2. Period following birth during which milk is secreted in the breasts. [L. lactatio, suckle]
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lac·ta·tion lak-'tā-shən n
1) the secretion and yielding of milk by the mammary gland
2) one complete period of lactation extending from about the time of parturition to weaning
lac·ta·tion·al -shən-əl adj
lac·ta·tion·al·ly -ē adv
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the secretion of milk by the mammary gland of the breasts, which usually begins at the end of pregnancy. A fluid called colostrum is secreted before the milk is produced; both secretions are released in response to the sucking action of the infant on the nipple. Lactation is controlled by hormones (see prolactin, oxytocin); it stops when the baby is no longer fed at the breast.
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lac·ta·tion (lak-taґshən) [L. lactatio, from lactare to suckle] 1. the secretion of milk. 2. the period of secretion of milk.Medical dictionary. 2011.