
Osseous union between two bones that are not supposed to be united; commonly refers to formation of a bony bundle between the radius and ulna following fracture of these two bones. SYN: bony ankylosis, synosteosis, true ankylosis. [syn- + G. osteon, bone, + -osis, condition]
- sagittal s. SYN: scaphocephaly.
- tribasilar s. fusion in early life of the three bones at the base of the skull, resulting in interference with the development of the brain.

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syn·os·to·sis .sin-.äs-'tō-səs n, pl -to·ses -.sēz union of two or more separate bones to form a single bone also the union so formed (as at an epiphyseal line)
syn·os·tot·ic -'tät-ik adj
syn·os·tot·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv

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the joining by ossification of two adjacent bones. It occurs, for example, at the suture between the bones of the skull.

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syn·os·to·sis (sin″os-toґsis) pl. synostoґses [syn- + oste- + -osis] the osseous union of bones that are normally distinct. synostotic adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.