Denoting an ovum in which a large amount of deuteroplasm or yolk accumulates at the vegetative pole, as in the eggs of birds and reptiles. [G. telos, end, + G. lekithos, yolk]
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telo·lec·i·thal .tel-ō-'les-ə-thəl, .tēl- adj of an egg having the yolk large in amount and concentrated at one pole compare CENTROLECITHAL, ISOLECITHAL
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telo·lec·i·thal (tel″o-lesґĭ-thəl) [telo- + -lecithal] having a medium to large amount of yolk, with the yolk concentrated toward one pole (thus designated the vegetal pole); characteristic of the eggs of fish, amphibians, birds, and reptiles.Medical dictionary. 2011.