
1. Not sweating. From the Greek an- meaning not + hidros meaning sweat. Inability to sweat may seem a blessing but it is not, since to sweat is to be able to stay cool. Anhidrosis creates a dangerous inability to tolerate heat. 2. Too little sweating. Hidrosis meaning sweating, so an-, a lack of + hidrosis = too little sweating.
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Absence of sweat glands or absence of sweating, e.g., due to anticholinergic drugs. SYN: adiaphoresis. [G. an- priv. + hidros, sweat]

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an·hi·dro·sis also an·hy·dro·sis .an-hi-'drō-səs, -hī- or an·idro·sis .an-i-' n, pl -dro·ses -.sēz abnormal deficiency or absence of sweating

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the absence of sweating in the presence of an appropriate stimulus for sweating, such as heat. A reduction in sweating is known as hypohidrosis. Anhidrosis and hypohidrosis may accompany disease or occur as a congenital defect.

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an·hi·dro·sis (an″hĭ-droґsis) (an″hi-droґsis) [an-1 + hidr- + -osis] 1. absence or severe deficiency of sweating, usually due to absence or paralysis of the sweat glands or to obstruction of the sweat ducts. See also hypohidrosis. 2. a condition in horses where they cannot sweat; in hot climates they may develop severe dyspnea and inability to work. Called also dry coat and puff disease. Defs. 1 and 2 called also anidrosis and hidroschesis.

Medical dictionary. 2011.