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An ion that carries a negative charge, going therefore to the positively charged anode; in salts, acid radicals are anions.
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an·ion 'an-.ī-ən n the ion in an electrolyzed solution that migrates to the anode broadly a negatively charged ion
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an ion of negative charge, such as a bicarbonate ion (HCO3-) or a chloride ion (Cl-) (see also electrolyte). The anion gap is the difference between the concentrations of cations (positively charged ions) and anions, calculated from the formula:
It is used to estimate the unaccounted-for anions in the blood in cases of metabolic disturbance. The normal anion gap is 10-16 mmol/l.
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an·ion (anґi-on) [ana- + ion] an ion carrying a negative charge owing to a surplus of electrons; in an electrolytic cell anions migrate toward the anode, the positively charged electrode.Medical dictionary. 2011.