
In genetics, a library is an unordered collection of clones (i.e., cloned DNA from a particular organism), whose relationship to each other can be established by physical mapping. For example, you can have an E. coli library or a human DNA library. Among the types of libraries, there are genomic libraries and arrayed libraries.
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A collection of cloned fragments that represent the entire genome.
- cDNA l. a collection of copy (cDNA) fragments that have been made by reverse transcriptase from the mRNA of a particular cell, organ, or organism.
- genomic l. l. in which both introns and exons are represented; a l. prepared from genomic DNA.
- l. screening the process of selection of a desired clone from the collection.

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li·brary 'lī-.brer-ē n, pl -brar·ies a collection of cloned DNA fragments that are maintained in a suitable cellular environment and that represent the genetic material of a particular organism or tissue <inserting segments from a \library of human DNA into yeast cells (Science News)>

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li·brary (liґbrer″e) [L. libraria] in genetics, a set of cloned DNA fragments that together represent the entire genome, or the genes transcribed by a particular tissue. Called also DNA l.

Medical dictionary. 2011.