
Continuous measurement of intraocular pressure by means of a recording tonometer, in order to determine the facility of aqueous outflow.

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to·nog·ra·phy tō-'näg-rə-fē n, pl -phies the procedure of recording measurements (as of intraocular pressure) with a tonometer
to·no·graph·ic .tō-nə-'graf-ik, .tän-ə- adj

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measurement of the pressure within the eyeball in such a way as to allow a record to be made on a chart of variations in pressure occurring over a period of several minutes.

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to·nog·ra·phy (to-nogґrə-fe) [tono- + -graphy] the recording of changes in intraocular pressure produced by the constant application of a known weight on the globe of the eye, reflecting the facility of outflow of the aqueous humor from the anterior chamber.

Medical dictionary. 2011.