
1. The sense by which slight contact with the skin or mucous membrane is appreciated. SYN: tactile sense. 2. Digital examination. [Fr. toucher]
- royal t. a touching of a patient by the king, which was thought to be curative; usually applied to patients with scrofula, but also done with patients with enlarged lymph glands (buboes) of plague.

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touch 'təch vt to bring a bodily part into contact with esp. so as to perceive through the tactile sense: handle or feel gently usu. with the intent to understand or appreciate vi to feel something with a body part (as the hand or foot)
touch n
1) the special sense by which pressure or traction exerted on the skin or mucous membrane is perceived
2) a light attack <a \touch of fever>

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(tuch) [L. tactus; Old Fr. touchier] 1. the sense (actually a group of senses) by which contact with objects gives evidence as to certain of their qualities, as registered by mechanoreceptors in the skin and mucous membranes. Types of touch include light touch, coarse touch, tickling, pressure sense, vibration sense, tissue distortion sense, and pain sense. Called also tactile sense and taction. 2. palpation or exploration with the finger.

Medical dictionary. 2011.