- death t. a condition of suspended animation, marked by unconsciousness and barely perceptible respiration and heart action.
- somnambulistic t. a state of somnambulism, paralysis, anesthesia, or catalepsy induced by suggestion in major hypnosis.
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1) a sleeplike altered state of consciousness (as of deep hypnosis) usu. characterized by partly suspended animation with diminished or absent sensory and motor activity and subsequent lack of recall
2) a state of profound abstraction or absorption
trance·like -.līk adj
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a state in which reaction to the environment is diminished although awareness is not impaired. It can be caused by hypnosis, meditation, catatonia, conversion disorder, drugs (such as hallucinogens), and religious ecstasy.
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(trans) a state of altered consciousness characterized by heightened focal awareness and reduced peripheral awareness; a sleeplike state of reduced consciousness and activity.Medical dictionary. 2011.