
1. Cutting through a stenosed cardiac valve to relieve the obstruction. SYN: valvulotomy. 2. Incision of a valvular structure. [valve + G. tome, incision]
- mitral v. deliberate incision or enlargement by inserting a finger in the stenotic mitral valve.
- rectal v. cutting through rectal folds that are too rigid or large.

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val·vot·o·my val-'vät-ə-mē n, pl -mies VALVULOTOMY

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surgical cutting through a valve. The term is usually used to describe the operation to relieve obstruction caused by stenosed valves in the heart. In percutaneous balloon valvotomy the narrowed valves are opened up by balloon dilatation, the balloon being introduced on a catheter passed up a great vessel. In mitral valvotomy (see mitral stenosis) an INOVE balloon is commonly used.

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val·vot·o·my (val-votґə-me) [valve + -tomy] incision of a valve. Called also valvulotomy.

Medical dictionary. 2011.