
1. Deviation from the type, especially the parent type, in structure, form, physiology, or behavior. 2. SYN: type (3). [L. variatio, fr. vario, to change, vary]
- continuous v. a series of very slight variations.

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var·i·a·tion .ver-ē-'ā-shən, .var- n
1) divergence in one or more characteristics of an organism or biotype from those typical of or usual for its group
2) something (as an individual or group) that exhibits variation
var·i·a·tion·al -shnəl, -shən-əl adj

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var·i·a·tion (var″e-aґshən) 1. the act or process of changing. 2. the state or fact of differing. 3. in genetics, deviation in phenotype of an individual from that typical of the group to which it belongs; also, deviation in phenotype of the offspring from that of its parents.

Medical dictionary. 2011.