
: A thick fluid produced by the lining of some organs of the body.
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The clear viscid secretion of the mucous membranes, consisting of mucin, epithelial cells, leukocytes, and various inorganic salts dissolved in water. [L.]
- glairy m. SYN: pituita.

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mu·cus 'myü-kəs n a viscid slippery secretion that is usu. rich in mucins and is produced by mucous membranes which it moistens and protects

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a viscous fluid secreted by mucous membrane. Mucus acts as a protective barrier over the membranes, a lubricant, and a carrier of enzymes. It consists chiefly of glycoprotein, particularly mucin.
mucous adj.

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mu·cus (muґkəs) [L.] the free slime of the mucous membranes, composed of secretion of the glands, along with various inorganic salts, desquamated cells, and leukocytes.

Medical dictionary. 2011.