
A drug used to treat a microbial infection. "Antimicrobial" is a general term that refers to a group of drugs that includes antibiotics, antifungals, antiprotozoals, and antivirals.
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Tending to destroy microbes, to prevent their multiplication or growth, or to prevent their pathogenic action.

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an·ti·mi·cro·bi·al .ant-i-mī-.krō-bē-əl also an·ti·mi·cro·bic -'krō-bik adj destroying or inhibiting the growth of microorganisms and esp. pathogenic microorganisms
antimicrobial also antimicrobic n an antimicrobial substance

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an·ti·mi·cro·bi·al (an″te-) (an″ti-mi-kroґbe-əl) 1. killing microorganisms, or suppressing their multiplication or growth. 2. an agent that kills microbes or inhibits their growth. Cf. antibiotic.

Medical dictionary. 2011.