
The percentage of individuals in a group who have achieved a certain quantity (such as height, weight, and head circumference) or developmental milestone (such as "walking well" the 50th percentile for which is12 months of age).
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The rank position of an individual in a serial array of data, stated in terms of what percentage of the group the individual equals or exceeds.

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per·cen·tile pər-'sen-.tīl n a value on a scale of one hundred that indicates the percent of a distribution that is equal to or below it <a \percentile score of 95 is a score equal to or better than 95 percent of the scores>

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per·cen·tile (pər-senґtīl) [per cent + -ile (by analogy with quartile, quintile, etc.)] any one of the 99 values that divide the range of a probability distribution or sample into 100 intervals of equal probability or frequency, e.g., 45 per cent of a population scores below the 45th percentile.

Medical dictionary. 2011.