
A horizontal plane passing through the standing body parallel to the ground. For a more complete listing of terms used in medicine for spatial orientation, please see the entry "Anatomic Orientation Terms."
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Crosswise; lying across the long axis of the body or of a part. SYN: transversalis [TA], transversus [TA]. [L. transversus]

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trans·verse tran(t)s-'vərs, tranz-, 'tran(t)s-., 'tranz-. adj
1) acting, lying, or being across: set crosswise
2) made at right angles to the long axis of the body <a \transverse section>
trans·verse·ly adv

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(in anatomy) situated at right angles to the long axis of the body or an organ.

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trans·verse (trans-vursґ) [L. transversus] placed crosswise; situated at right angles to the long axis of a part.

Medical dictionary. 2011.