
A lump or bump. The backward protrusion of the heel is called the tuber calcanei or, alternatively, the tuberosity of the calcaneus. Small tubers are a characteristic finding in tuberculosis, and tubers in the brain are seen in tuberous sclerosis.
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1. [TA] A localized swelling; a knob. 2. A short, fleshy, thick, underground stem of plants, such as the potato. [L. protuberance, swelling]
- t. anterius SYN: t. cinereum.
- ashen t. SYN: t. cinereum.
- calcaneal t. SYN: calcaneal tuberosity.
- t. calcanei [TA] SYN: calcaneal tuberosity.
- t. calcis SYN: calcaneal tuberosity.
- t. cinereum [TA] a prominence of the base of the hypothalamus, bordered caudally by the mamillary bodies, rostrally by the optic chiasm, and laterally by the optic tract, extending ventrally into the infundibulum and hypophysial stalk. SYN: ashen t., gray t., t. anterius.
- t. cochleae SYN: promontory of tympanic cavity.
- t. corporis callosi SYN: splenium of corpus callosum.
- t. dorsale SYN: t. vermis.
- eustachian t. a slight projection from the labyrinthine wall of the middle ear below the fenestra vestibuli (ovalis).
- frontal t. [TA] the most prominent portion of the frontal bone on either side. SYN: t. frontale [TA], eminentia frontalis, frontal eminence.
- t. frontale [TA] SYN: frontal t..
- gray t. SYN: t. cinereum.
- t. ischiadicum [TA] SYN: ischial tuberosity.
- t. of ischium SYN: ischial tuberosity.
- t. maxillae [TA] SYN: maxillary tuberosity.
- omental t. SYN: omental eminence of pancreas.
- t. omentale hepatis [TA] SYN: omental tuberosity of liver.
- t. omentale pancreatis [TA] SYN: omental eminence of pancreas.
- parietal t. [TA] a prominent portion of the parietal bone, a little above the center of its external surface, usually corresponding to the point of maximum width of the head. SYN: t. parietale [TA], eminentia parietalis, parietal eminence.
- t. parietale [TA] SYN: parietal t..
- t. radii SYN: radial tuberosity.
- t. valvulae SYN: t. vermis.
- t. of vermis SYN: t. vermis.
- t. vermis the posterior division of the inferior vermis of the cerebellum located between the folium and the pyramis. SYN: t. dorsale, t. of vermis, t. valvulae.
- t. zygomaticum SYN: articular tubercle of temporal bone.

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tu·ber 't(y)ü-bər n an anatomical prominence: TUBEROSITY

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(in anatomy) a thickened or swollen part. The tuber cinereum is a part of the brain situated at the base of the hypothalamus, connected to the stalk of the pituitary gland.

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tu·ber (tooґbər) pl. tubers or tuґbera [L.] 1. [TA] a swelling or protuberance. Called also tuberosity. 2. the essential lesion of tuberous sclerosis, presenting as a pale, firm, nodular phakomalike glial hamartomatous brain lesion that sometimes becomes calcified, which develops predominantly in the cerebral hemispheres, cerebellum, medulla oblongata, and spinal cord.

Medical dictionary. 2011.