
: The science and study of bacteria and their relation to medicine and to other areas such as agriculture (e.g., farm animals) and industry. Bacteria are single-celled microorganisms which can live as independent organisms or, dependently, as parasites. Among the better known bacteria are strep, staph, and the agents of tuberculosis and leprosy. Bacteriology is a part of microbiology which encompasses the study of bacteria, viruses, and all other sorts of microorganisms.
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The branch of science concerned with the study of bacteria. [bacterio- + G. logos, study]
- systematic b. that branch of b. concerned with nomenclature and classification (taxonomy).

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bac·te·ri·ol·o·gy (.)bak-.tir-ē-'äl-ə-jē n, pl -gies
1) a science that deals with bacteria and their relations to medicine, industry, and agriculture
2) bacterial life and phenomena
bac·te·ri·o·log·ic bak-.tir-ē-ə-'läj-ik or bac·te·ri·o·log·i·cal -'läj-i-kəl adj
bac·te·ri·o·log·i·cal·ly -i-k(ə-)lē adv

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the science concerned with the study of bacteria. It is a branch of microbiology.
bacteriological adj.
bacteriologist n.

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bac·te·ri·ol·o·gy (bak-tēr″e-olґə-je) [bacterio- + -logy] the science that treats of bacteria. Cf. microbiology. bacteriologic, bacteriological adj

Medical dictionary. 2011.