
A method for examining the structure and functionality of urinary system. A special dye is injected, and X-ray machines record its progress through the urinary tract. Urography is particularly useful for discovering cysts or other internal blockages.
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Radiography of any part (kidneys, ureters, or bladder) of the urinary tract. SEE ALSO: pyelography. [uro- + G. grapho, to write]
- antegrade u. radiography following intravenous or percutaneous injection of contrast agent with a needle or catheter into the renal calices or pelvis (antegrade pyelography), or into the urinary bladder (antegrade cystography).
- cystoscopic u. SYN: retrograde u..
- intravenous u., excretory u. radiography of kidneys, ureters, and bladder following injection of contrast medium into a peripheral vein.
- retrograde u. radiography of the urinary tract following injection of contrast medium directly into the urethra, bladder, ureter, or renal pelvis. SYN: cystoscopic u..

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urog·ra·phy yu̇-'räg-rə-fē n, pl -phies radiography of a part of the urinary tract (as a kidney or ureter) after injection of a radiopaque substance

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radiological examination of the urinary tract or any part of it after the introduction of a contrast medium. See cystography, pyelography, urethrography.

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urog·ra·phy (u-rogґrə-fe) radiography of a part of the urinary tract that has been made opaque by an opaque medium.

Medical dictionary. 2011.