
phen·yl·eph·rine .fen-əl-'ef-.rēn, -rən n a sympathomimetic agent with vasoconstrictive properties that is used in the form of its hydrochloride C9H13NO2·HCl esp. as a nasal decongestant and mydriatic and to raise blood pressure see NEO-SYNEPHRINE

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a drug that constricts blood vessels (see sympathomimetic). It is given by injection to increase blood pressure, in a nasal spray to relieve nasal congestion, and in eye drops to dilate the pupils. Irritation may occur when applied. Trade names: Fenox, Minims Phenylephrine.

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phen·yl·eph·rine (fen″əl-efґrin) a direct-acting sympathomimetic amine that stimulates α-adrenergic receptors and is a powerful vasoconstrictor.

Medical dictionary. 2011.