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Excessive dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea, which lose their luster and become keratinized; may be due to local disease or to a systemic deficiency of vitamin A. SYN: conjunctivitis arida, xeroma, xerophthalmus. [xero- + G. ophthalmos, eye]
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xe·roph·thal·mia .zir-.äf-'thal-mē-ə, -.äp-'thal- n a dry thickened lusterless condition of the eyeball resulting esp. from a severe systemic deficiency of vitamin A compare KERATOMALACIA
xe·roph·thal·mic -mik adj
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a progressive nutritional disease of the eye due to deficiency of vitamin A. The cornea and conjunctiva become dry, thickened, and wrinkled. This may progress to keratomalacia and eventual blindness.
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xe·roph·thal·mia (zēr″of-thalґme-ə) [xero- + ophthalmia] dryness of the conjunctiva and cornea due to vitamin A deficiency. The condition begins with night blindness and conjunctival xerosis and progresses to corneal xerosis and, in the late stages, to keratomalacia.Medical dictionary. 2011.