
1. Differing from the normal; in botany or zoology, said of certain atypical individuals in a species. 2. Wandering off; said of certain ducts, vessels, or nerves deviating from the normal course or pattern. 3. SYN: ectopic (1). [L. aberrans]

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ab·er·rant a-'ber-ənt, ə-; 'ab-ə-rənt, -.e(ə)r-ənt adj
1) straying from the right or normal way <\aberrant behavior>
2) deviating from the usual or natural type: ATYPICAL <\aberrant salivary tissue>

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abnormal: usually applied to a blood vessel or nerve that does not follow its normal course.

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ab·er·rant (ă-berґənt) (abґər-ənt) wandering or deviating from the usual or normal course.

Medical dictionary. 2011.