An unplanned or unintended but sometimes predictable event leading to injury, e.g., in traffic, industry, or a domestic setting, or such an event developing in the course of a disease. [L. ac-cido, to happen]
- serum a. anaphylactic shock resulting from injection of serum of a different species for therapeutic purposes. SEE ALSO: serum sickness.
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1) an unfortunate event resulting from carelessness, unawareness, ignorance, or a combination of causes
2) an unexpected bodily event of medical importance esp. when injurious <a cerebrovascular \accident>
3) an unexpected happening causing loss or injury which is not due to any fault or misconduct on the part of the person injured but for which legal relief may be sought
ac·ci·den·tal .ak-sə-'dent-əl adj
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a traumatic incident involving any part of the body. Accident and emergency (A and E) medicine is evolving as a specialized area of patient care.
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ac·ci·dent (akґsĭ-dənt) an unforeseen occurrence, especially one of an injurious character; an unexpected complicating occurrence in the regular course of a disease.Medical dictionary. 2011.