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achlor·hy·dria .ā-.klōr-'hī-drē-ə, -.klȯr- n absence of hydrochloric acid from the gastric juice compare HYPERCHLORHYDRIA, HYPOCHLORHYDRIA
achlor·hy·dric -'hī-drik adj
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absence of hydrochloric acid in the stomach. Achlorhydria that persists despite large doses of histamine is associated with atrophy of the lining (mucosa) of the stomach. In this condition there is usually an absence of secretion of intrinsic factor, which will lead to pernicious anaemia. In some people, however, achlorhydria is not associated with any disease, produces no ill-effects, and needs no treatment.
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achlor·hy·dria (a″klor-hiґdre-ə) [a-1 + chlorhydria] absence of hydrochloric acid from maximally stimulated gastric secretions; a result of gastric mucosal atrophy. Called also gastric anacidity.Medical dictionary. 2011.