1. Glandlike; of glandular appearance. SYN: adeniform. 2. See pharyngeal tonsil. [adeno- + G. eidos, appearance]
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ad·e·noid 'ad-ən-.ȯid, 'ad-.nȯid adj
1) of, like, or relating to glands or glandular tissue esp like or belonging to lymphoid tissue
2) of or relating to the adenoids <in the \adenoid region of the pharynx>
3 a) of, relating to, or affected with abnormally enlarged adenoids <a severe \adenoid condition> <an \adenoid patient>
b) characteristic of one affected with abnormally enlarged adenoids <\adenoid facies>
adenoid n
1) an abnormally enlarged mass of lymphoid tissue at the back of the pharynx characteristically obstructing the nasal and ear passages and inducing mouth breathing, nasality, postnasal discharge, and dullness of facial expression usu. used in pl.
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ad·e·noid (adґə-noid) [aden- + -oid] 1. tonsilla pharyngealis. 2. pertaining to a tonsilla pharyngealis. 3. resembling a gland.Medical dictionary. 2011.