
desire line
(di.ZYR lyn)
An informal path that pedestrians prefer to take to get from one location to another rather than using a sidewalk or other official route.
Example Citation:
In areas with no sidewalks, beaten-down paths in the grass, known as "desire lines" in planning-speak, indicate yearning, said John La Plante, the chief traffic engineer for T. Y. Lin International, an engineering firm. "When sidewalks are provided, people do walk," he said.
— Patricia Leigh Brown, "Whose Sidewalk Is It, Anyway?," The New York Times, January 5, 2003
Earliest Citation:
Study participants also drew charts of pedestrian traffic to take note of what are delightfully termed "desire lines" — paths actually made by walkers as opposed to those created on the drawing board.
— Thomas Frick, "Rebuilding Central Park," Technology Review, August 1987
Desire lines (or natural desire lines, as they're also called) are those well-worn ribbons of dirt that you see cutting across a patch of grass, often with nearby sidewalks — particularly those that offer a less direct route — ignored. In winter, desire lines appear spontaneously as tramped down paths in the snow. I love that these paths are never perfectly straight. Instead, like a river, they meander this way and that, as if to prove that desire itself isn't linear and (literally, in this case) straightforward.
Related Words:
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Sociology (General)

New words. 2013.