
flash campaign
A lobbying effort that uses the Internet and other technologies to quickly establish an agenda and build support.
Example Citation:
The buzzword for this kind of digital activism is a 'flash campaign,' so named for the instantaneous mobilization of support that can be generated in the flash of a mouse click....Successful flash campaigns have been mounted for political fundraising and to drum up support for issues ranging from gun control to the E-rate.
— Marilyn J. Cohodas, "The speed and clout of the Internet let community organizers mobilize support in the flash of a mouse click," Governing Magazine, August, 2000
Earliest Citation:
Censure and Move On is a bipartisan "flash campaign," made possible only through the organizing capabilities of the Internet. Using e-mail and the Web, the campaign aims to translate a broad and deep consensus in the American public into swift action by Congress and the President. The campaign began with an online petition drive to highlight public opinion.
— "Censure and Move On' Online Campaign Collects 100,000 Signatures in First Week," Business Wire, October 1, 1998
Related Words:
attack fax
blast fax
condo commando
flash crowd
just-in-time politics
phone tree

New words. 2013.