
A government or state ruled by people who are incompetent. Also: inept-ocracy.
Example Citations:
"Cardiff council operates a 'no can do culture' and morale among general staff is low. The council operates as a private club, with the Liberal Democrats, Labour and the Conservatives all too happy to perpetuate an ineptocracy."
—Neil McEvoy, quoted in Phillip Nifield, " Call to cut council bosses' wages: http://www.walesonline.co.uk/news/wales-news/tm_headline=call-to-cut-council-bosses-8217-wages&method=full&objectid=19712031&siteid=50082-name_page.html," South Wales Echo, August 31, 2007
The city of Aspen's inept-ocracy has come up with yet another brilliant use of taxpayers' money, and they feel really good about it: Build a hydroelectric utility, costing somewhere between $10.5 and $16 million and disturbing the flow and riparian health of two modest, pristine creeks.
—Kris Cox, " Welcome to 19th century Aspen: http://www.aspentimes.com/article/20111218/LETTER/111219875/1020&ParentProfile=1061," The Aspen Times, December 18, 2011
Earliest Citation:
Not for nothing do its critics call President de la Rua's regime an "ineptocracy". The riots and looting that have broken out in Argentina's cities bear witness to its incompetence.
—"Argentina's mistake was to think there was a shortcut to economic reform," The Independent, December 21, 2001
Notes: Related Words:
vampire state
Your definition of Ineptocracy is not complete. The whole definition captures how the incompetent people got to the postion they are in.
Ineptocracy (in-ep-toc'-ra-cy) - a system of government where the least capable to lead are elected by the least capable of producing, and where the members of society least likely to sustain themselves or succeed, are rewarded with goods and services paid for by the confiscated wealth of a diminishing number of producers.Thank you, Andy. I saw that definition while I was researching this term (Google returns over 200,000 hits for it). However, it quite clearly has a right-wing bias, and I try to make Word Spy definitions as neutral as possible.Love this word! I intend to use it extensively for the next 10 months.The word is pure genius. A simple, single word that speaks volumes.
With apologies to Abraham Lincoln, you could say it's “Government of the people, by the least capable, for the least productive”.We, in Australia, currently have a Prime Minister who is the unchallenged leader of the Ineptocracy!"Right-wing bias"? Really? If anything, it's libertarian, straight out of Ayn Rand. No, you're not biased.

New words. 2013.