
A person who wants his or her neighborhood to have some feature that other people consider dangerous or unpleasant.
IMBYism (IM.bee.iz.um) n.
Example Citations:
In addition, more density means better chances of getting mass transit. State Del. Elizabeth Bobo said state Transportation Secretary John D. Porcari told her that Columbia is not likely to be linked to a Metro Green line extension to Laurel or BWI Thurgood Marshall Airport for up to two decades.
George Barker, a 35-year Columbia resident, said he wants more development. He is an IMBY — In My Back Yard — not a NIMBY, or Not in My Back Yard, he said.
—Larry Carson, "Differing views on Town Center," The Baltimore Sun, November 2, 2007
Third reactor: After hinting for months it was considering applying for a third nuclear reactor at its Susquehanna site in Salem Township, PPL Corp. announced on Dec. 19 it would definitely apply if outside funding helped foot the bill.
The third unit would bring the plant's capacity to more than 3,600 megawatts, or enough to power several million homes. Despite choosing a design that is partially prefabricated, it would be years before the plant would come online.
More than a month before the announcement, PPL was courting investors by running in financial publications ads touting the economic upside of public support for the plant. The slogan was "When NIMBYs turn IMBYs."
Though analyses haven't been completed, the third reactor would easily create several thousand temporary construction jobs and several hundred permanent jobs at the facility.
—"Ups, downs and the unseemly," The Times Leader, December 30, 2007
Earliest Citation:
Across the country, government leaders have learned to dread the word NIMBY. Not In My Back Yard. The rallying cry for local opposition to any unpopular public facility, as in Yes, there is a need for prisons/landfills/low-rent housing/highways/toxic waste dumps/homeless shelters/power lines/parking lots/whatever, but Not In My Back Yard.
Now in Fairfax County comes the IMBY: In My Back Yard.
Fairfax/Falls Church United Way is preparing to sponsor an award honoring individuals, groups or communities that rise above the NIMBY impulse and work to bring into their community low-cost housing for the needy or group homes for the troubled or disabled.
—John Bohn, "Sometimes, a Public Service Award Is Right in Your Own Back Yard," The Washington Post, March 30, 1989
Related Words:
Acronyms and Abbreviations

New words. 2013.