
nose on a chip
A computer chip with sensors that can detect chemicals associated with certain smells.
Example Citation:
"Electronic aroma-analyzers have also been used to test the quality of seafood, cheese, meat, coffee, beer, and wine, as well as a 'nose on a chip' that sniffs out gas leaks and pollutants."
— Leander Kahney, "Electronic Nose Smells Illness," Wired, September 29, 1999
Earliest Citation:
A Umist nose, made of 20 smell sensors surrounded by electronics, and measuring about 1ft long, recently outperformed a squad of truffle-sniffing pigs and another of truffle-snuffling dogs during trials in France.
The microchip nose would have both the sensors and the electronics integrated in a fingernail-size piece of silicon.
Dr Krishna Persaud, a Umist lecturer in instrumentation, who is leading the team, says Edinburgh university researchers are helping the project. Last month Edinburgh university announced it had developed a video camera on a microchip, paving the way for cheaper videophones, camcorders, electronic cameras and surveillance equipment. Dr Persaud says a nose on a chip may be achieved in two years.
—Nick Nuttall, "Sniffing around for a life-saverThe Times, February 21, 1991
Related Words:
affective computing
chip graffiti
electronic nose
smart dust
Gadgets and Appliances

New words. 2013.