
oxygen bar
Urban spa where customers inhale pure oxygen under the premise that doing so will regenerate cells, clean the system of toxins, increase energy and stamina, and reduce stress.
Example Citation:
Two entrepreneurs have opened Canada's first oxygen bar, where $16 buys you a 20-minute whiff of pure oxygen. The O 2 Spa Bar, whose motto is "You are what you breathe," lets you belly up to the bar, stick a plastic tube up your nose, and inhale.
—"A gas bar for the 90s," The Globe and Mail, March 1, 1996
Earliest Citation:
Moreover, this ready-to-use oxygen boom has prompted another of Japan's leading department stores, Takashimaya Co., to start a new business: [an] "oxygen bar." At the unique bar, located in the center of the fifth floor of its Nihombashi main store, one can breathe three minutes of condensed oxygen for a mere Y100.
—Konosuke Kuwabara, "Portable oxygen sales breathe new life into health boom," The Japan Economic Journal, November 14, 1987
Related Words:
email apnea
Health and Fitness

New words. 2013.