Relating to a new employee who needs little or no training. Also: plug-and-play.
Example Citation:
In their quest for "plug and play" workers, companies look on university and college campuses for new employees.
— Debbie Therrien, "The value of grey hair pays off in the workplace," The Hamilton Spectator, June 18, 2002
Earliest Citation:
Companies are desperate to find "plug-and-play" workers, and Patchell says companies don't care whether potential employees are 28 or 52, as long as they can hit the ground running.
— Neal Weinberg, "Career Crisis," Network World, September 14, 1998
In the computer world, plug and play is used to describe a piece of hardware that gets installed and set up automatically after you attach it to the computer. (It's a flaky system still, so plug and pray is the more usual situation.)
Related Words:
New words. 2013.