
A sleep disorder in which a person drives a car while still asleep. Also: sleep-driving, sleep driving.
sleep-driver n.
Example Citations:
Consumer Reports ... suggests Ambien, expected to be available in generic form in October in the United States, as a "best buy," despite reports of Ambien-linked sleepwalking, sleepdriving and sleepeating — including a claim by a Democratic congressman who took Ambien before crashing his car in May.
—January W. Payne, "Sleeping pills: may be cause for losing sleep," The Hamilton Spectator, August 17, 2006
The Aug. 2 Metro article "Sleeping Va. Driver Convicted in Crash; Man Had Taken Too Much Ambien" substitutes sensationalism for fact. As far as I know, the incidence of people "sleepdriving" has not increased with the introduction of Ambien and there is no evidence that one causes the other.
—Robert Goldberg, "Unfairly Tarring a Sleep Aid," The Washington Post, August 9, 2006
Earliest Citation:
Kuntz said witnesses told Lancaster police they had observed the van's driver sleepdriving shortly before the accident.
—Joe Simnacher, "12,000 riders expected for Hotter 'N Hell 100," The Dallas Morning News, August 20, 1987
Related Words:
junk sleep
sleep hygiene
sleep seizure
Diseases and Syndromes

New words. 2013.