
A person who feels paralyzed mentally when faced with technology.
Example Citation:
"[Chris] Patten's...many fans will no doubt leap to his defence and say: 'But of course he remembers Hong Kong and its brilliant newspaper columns fondly. He does not need to subscribe to a local paper to keep up. He can read about us every day on the Internet.'
Unfortunately, this is not the case. While he certainly gets his intelligence by fax and telephone from old friends in the SAR, he does not go to www.scmp.com before breakfast every morning. The former Governor, you see, is a self-confessed technoplegic."
— "Lines drawn in two-way fight," The South China Morning Post, January 25, 1998
Earliest Citation:
Mr Patten's (and Quarry Bay 's) many fans will no doubt leap to his defence and say: "But of course he remembers Hong Kong and its brilliant newspaper columns fondly. He does not need to subscribe to a local paper to keep up. He can read about us every day on the Internet."
Unfortunately, this is not the case. While he certainly gets his intelligence by fax and telephone from old friends in the SAR, he does not go to www.scmp.com before breakfast every morning. The former Governor, you see, is a self-confessed technoplegic.
— "Lines drawn in two-way fight," South China Morning Post, January 25, 1998
A technoplegic often decides to become a choose-not: a person who chooses not to learn how to use technology, especially a computer.
Related Words:
calm technology
mode confusion
tech-life balance
walkaway safe
Technology (General)

New words. 2013.