
МУКИ ТАНТАЛА ТАНТАЛОВЫ МУКИ tor* lit NP pl only fixed WO (1st var. )) suffering caused by the knowledge that some desired object, goal is within reach yet unattainable
the torments of Tantalus.
До мельчайших подробностей помню день 1 сентября 1935 года, когда я, снятая партколлегией с преподавательской работы, заперлась в своей комнате, испытывая поистине танталовы муки (Гинзбург 1). I remember in the utmost detail the 1st of September 1935, when, having been dismissed from my teaching job, I shut myself up in my room and went through the torments of Tantalus (1a).
In Greek mythology Tantalus, a king of Phrygia, was condemned by the gods for his crimes to sit chin-deep in water without ever being able to reach the food and drink that appeared in front of him.

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.