[VP; subj: human; often a clause in a compound sent after Conj "но", a main clause in a complex sent with a что-clause, or a main or subord clause in a complex sent containing a clause of concession]
⇒ not to reveal (some thought, feeling, desire, intention etc):
- X не подал вида{{}}≈ X didn't let on (that...);
- X didn't show it (that...);
- X didn't let it (anything etc) show;
- X gave no sign (that... <of it etc>).
♦ Встреча с Чонкиным ее [Нюру] тоже взволновала, но она не подала виду... (Войнович 2). Encountering Chonkin had excited Nyura as well, but she didn't let on... (2a).
♦ ...Ничего он не чувствовал, кроме благодарности за то, что [Наденька] пришла. Он, конечно, и вида не подал (Ерофеев 3). All that remained was gratitude that she [Nadya] had come. Of course he didn't let a bit of this show (За).
♦ ...Она мне нравилась, и, как мне казалось, я тоже ей не был безразличен, хотя она не подавала виду (Рыбаков 1). I liked her and I thought that she wasn't entirely neutral towards me, though she gave no sign either way (1a).
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.