
еле можаху
ЕЛЕ МОЖАХУ (-ом) obs, humor
[orig. VP; these forms only; fixed WO]
1. [subj-compl with copula (subj: human) or adv]
in a very drunken state:
- staggering drunk;
- feeling no pain;
- three sheets to the wind.
2. [adv]
(to do sth.) with difficulty, almost not (be able to do sth.):
- barely;
- only just.
     ♦ Зимнюю сессию он одолел "еле можахом", с хвостами, затевал разговор об академическом отпуске, даже пошёл без моего ведома в поликлинику, надеясь получить у врачей справку для отпуска, но там ему намылили шею (Трифонов 5). He had barely made it through the fall semester (as it was, he had a couple of incompletes) and was starting to talk about taking a leave of absence. Without my knowledge he had even gone to the policlinic, hoping to get a leave of absence on medical grounds; instead he had gotten a good scolding (5a).
← "Можаху" and "можахом" are the old forms of the 3rd and 1st person plural, respectively, of the imperfect tense.

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.