
попадать в немилость
[PrepP, Invar, subj-compl with быть (1st var.) or VP; subj: human]
1. to be or become regarded by one's sovereign or superior with strong disapproval, scorn etc:
- X в немилости у Y-a (X впал в немилость к Y-y) X is (has fallen) out of favor with Y;
- X is in disfavor (disgrace);
- X has fallen into disfavor (with Y);
- X has incurred Y's disfavor.
     ♦ [Дед Гришака] участвовал в турецкой кампании 1877 года, состоял ординарцем при генерале Гурко, попал в немилость и был отослан в полк (Шолохов 2). Не [Grandad Grishaka] had taken part in the campaign against the Turks in 1877. At one time he had been orderly to General Gurko, but had fallen out of favor and been sent back to his regiment (2a).
     ♦ ...Мне приходилось встречать и таких, которые, как только я попал в немилость у советских властей, сразу перестали меня узнавать (Войнович 1). ...It was also my lot to encounter people who, as soon as I fell into disfavor with the Soviet authorities, immediately began pretending they did not know who I was (1a).
2. to lose, no longer enjoy s.o.'s amiable feelings toward one or favorable opinion of one:
- X в немилости у Y-a (X впал в немилость к Y-y) X has lost Y's favor;
- X is (has fallen) out of favor with Y;
- [in limited contexts] X is (has gotten ) in Y's bad books.
     ♦ ...На тонком лице графа Малевского постоянно бродила какая-то недобрая улыбка; он действительно впал в немилость у Зинаиды и с особенным стараньем подслуживался старой княгине... (Тургенев 3). An unpleasant smile roved continually over Count Malevsky's thin features. The Count certainly had fallen out of favor with Zinaida and now waited diligently on the old princess... (3c).

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.