
ноги отказали
s.o.'s legs lose their strength, become shaky, fail to support him because of intense alarm, fear, amazement etc:
- у X-a подкосились ноги{{}} X's legs gave way (under him);
- X's legs buckled under him;
- X's legs wouldn't hold him up;
- X's legs refused to function;
- X's legs went weak;
- X went weak in the knees.
     ♦ ...У неё [Сони] буквально подкосились ноги и она чуть не упала, когда я показала ей проспект "Библиотеки" (Мандельштам 2). ...Her [Sonia's] legs literally gave way and she nearly collapsed when I showed her the prospectus of the Library's forthcoming publications (2a)
     Радость [встречи с сыном] произвела в больном слишком сильное потрясение, он ослабел, ноги под ним подкосились... (Пушкин 1). The joy of seeing his son was too much of a shock for the sick man: he grew faint, his legs gave way under him... (1a).
     ♦ ...Его [Хвастищева] вдруг продрал озноб, и ноги неожиданно отказали ему... "что с тобой, Радик?" - "Пат, посмотри-ка - часы!" (Аксёнов 6). ...Не [Khvastishchev] felt a sudden chill, and his legs unexpectedly refused to function. ... "What's the matter, Radik?" "Pat, look! A clock!" (6a)

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.