[VPsubj/ gen; past only]
⇒ s.o. has not eaten anything at all:
- X hasn't eaten a bite (a scrap of food);
- X hasn't had a (single) bite (to eat);
- X hasn't had a morsel of food;
- X has had nothing whatsoever.
♦ "Я измучена, даже есть не могу, хотя с утра во рту ни маковой росинки" (Свирский 1). "I'm exhausted, I can't swallow a thing, although I haven't eaten a scrap of food all day" (1a)
♦ [Астров:] Возился я целый день, не присел, маковой росинки во рту не было... (Чехов 3). [А ] I was on the go all day - didn't so much as sit down or have a bite to eat... (Зс) [A. ] I was on the move all day, didn't sit down or have a morsel of food... (3a).
♦ ...Семен, разбудив старуху, наскоро перекусил - больше суток маковой росинки не было во рту... (Тендряков 1). Simon woke up his wife and had a bite to eat-he had had nothing whatsoever for more than twenty-four hours... (1a)
Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. С.И. Лубенская. 2004.