
под стать
[PrepP; Invar]
1. под стать кому [subj-compl with copula (subj: human) or nonagreeing modif]
one is well-suited for s.o. with regard to certain qualities (skills, experience, personality etc):
- X Y-y под стать X is a good (perfect) match for Y;
- X is (just) right for Y;
- X and Y are well (perfectly) matched.
     ♦ Она и еще что-то думала вокруг этого, а вокруг этого оказался Мансуров-Курильский, человек, безусловно, бесталанный, но, в общем-то, не плохой и, следовательно, по всем статьям под стать ей самой... (Залыгин 1). Her thoughts turned around this question and lighted upon Mansurov-Kurilsky, a talentless man if ever there was one, but not a bad man, all in all, and therefore in every respect a good match for her (1a).
2. под стать чему [subj-compl with copula (subj: usu. abstr) or nonagreeing modif]
sth. corresponds with something else:
- X - Y-y Xmatches Y;
- X jibes <isin keeping> with Y;
- X and Yagree;
- X is as [AdjP] as Y.
     ♦ Собачья погода была прямо под стать дяди-Митиному собачьему настроению (Аксёнов 10). The foul weather exactly matched Old Mitya's foul mood (10a).
     ♦ Дни тянулись медленно, в химерах и воспоминаниях, в невесёлых, под стать погоде, думах о предстоящей жизни в лагере (Максимов 2). The days dragged slowly by, days spent in daydreams and memories, and in thoughts, cheerless as the weather, about the prospects of life in a prison camp (2a).
3. под стать кому-чему [subj-compl with copula (subj: human or abstr) or nonagreeing modif]
a person (or thing) resembles another person (or thing):
- X под стать Y-y X is like (similar to) Y;
- X is similar (in nature) to Y.
     ♦ ...Отец [Сергея] когда-то был крупный работник, но так никуда и не вылез, мать - домашняя юристка с принципами и запросами, и он сам им под стать (Трифонов 3). ...His [Sergei's] father had once been an outstandingly able man; yet he had never made it to the top; his mother was a nonpracticing lawyer with principles and high standards - and Sergei was similar in nature to both of them (3a).
4. под стать кому [subj-compl with быть (subj: infin); often neg]
it is fitting, decent (for s.o. to do sth.):
- делать X Y-у не под стать{{}} doing X does not befit <suit, become> Y;
- it isn't right <appropriate, proper, suitable, seemly> for Y to do X.

Большой русско-английский фразеологический словарь. — М.: ACT-ПРЕСС КНИГА. . 2004.