
Diktonius, Elmer
   A Finland-Swedish poet, novelist, and critic, Diktonius came from a working-class background, attended Finnish schools, which made him bilingual, and studied music in his youth. Although he had strong socialist sympathies, he did not actively involve himself in the Finnish civil war of 1918, and he served as a medic in the Finnish army after the victory of the Whites over the Reds. Next he went abroad to Paris and London, where his music studies suffered while he focused on politically radical poetry. His literary debut came with Min dikt (1921; My Poem), and additional works followed: the poetry volume Harda sanger (1922; Hard Songs), Brodet och elden (1923; The Bread and the Fire), a book of aphorisms, and the poetry collections Taggiga lågor (1924; Barbed Flames) and Stenkal (1927; Rock Coal). The conclusion of Diktonius's early poetic phase is Stark men mork (1930; Strong but Dark), in which it becomes clear that his overemphasis on revolutionary poetry most likely stifled some of his more personal— and more valuable—poetic expression. This impression is strengthened by the early work found in the volume Ring r i stubben (1953; Rings in the Tree Stump), published by Jorn Donner after Diktonius became ill.
   During these years Diktonius was also an extremely prolific newspaper critic. Other prose works were Onnela: Finsk idyll (1925; Onnela: Finnish Idyll), which celebrates rural Finland in a Swedish language that is replete with Finnicisms, and Ingenting och ndr novellistisk skisser (1928; Nothing and Other Story-like Sketches). He also produced a collection of musical reviews. His most important work from this period, however, is the short novel J nne Kubik: Ett trasnitt i ord (1932; Janne Kubik: A Woodcut in Words), an episodic narrative about a coward and braggart. The short story volume Medborgare i republiken Finland (1935; Citizens of the Republic of Finland) contains satirical portraits of fictitious persons, among them both a necrophile and a pedophile; it was followed by Medborg re: Andr s mlingen (1940; Citizens: Second Collection).
   Also in the 1930s, Diktonius published the poetry collections Gras och granit (1936; Grass and Granite) and Jordisk omhet (1938; Earthly Tenderness). He began to show symptoms of illness and his poetry collection V rsel (1942; Portents) indicates that his powers were in decline. Höstlig bastu (1943; Autumnal Sauna) is aprose volume consisting mostly of previously published essays and other prose pieces. His last two volumes of poetry, Annorlund (1948; Otherwise) and Novembervar (1952; November Spring), were published shortly before he was admitted to an institution.

Historical Dictionary of Scandinavian Literature and Theater. . 2006.