
1) Компьютерная техника: Fix Often Repair Daily
2) Спорт: First On Racing Day, Fix On Race Day
3) Военный термин: Foreign Office Research Department
4) Шутливое выражение: Fabulous Off Road Driving, Factory Ordered Road Disaster, Fail On Road Daily, Failed On Race Day, Fails On Rainy Days, Famous Odor Resistant Dog, Fast Only Rolling Downhill, Fastest On Road, Dip!, Feeble Old Redneck Driving, Final Organ of Reproductive Discipline, Finally Obsolete Racing Device, Fireball On Rear Denting, First On Race Day, First On Recall Day, First On Road to Dump, First On Rubbish Dump, First On Rust and Deterioration, First Order of Reproductive Discipline, Fix Or Recycle Dilemma, Fix Or Repair Dally, Fixed Or Repaired Daily, Flames On Road Daily, Flintstone Or Rubble Driven, Flip Over Read Directions, Flipped Over Roadside Disaster, Flys Over Rolled Dodge, Fond Of Resonating Decibels, Foot On Road Decelerates, For Old, Rotten Deadbeat, For Only Real Drivers, Forced On Reluctant Drivers, Fords Only Run Downhill, Forever On Road Driving, Forget Out Running Dale, Forgot Our Recommended Defaults, Fork Over Repair Dough, Formed Of Rejected DNA, Forward Only, Reverse Defective, Forwarded Once, Return Denied, Fouled Out Re, Found On Red Dumpster, Found On Road Daily, Found On Rubbish Dump, Found On Rubbish Dumps, Found On Russian Dump, Found Outside Refuse Dump, Found Outside Rotting Dump, Fraternal Order of Restored Sotos, Free Or Reduced Drastically, Frequent Opinion, Frequent Overhaul, Rapid Deterioration, Frequently On Ritalin, Designers, Fumes and Odors Readily Detectable, Funky Old Rebuilt Dodge, Funny Old Rattling Dump
5) Грубое выражение: Fantastically Orgasmic Realistic Dream, Fat Old Retarded Drivers, Flipping Over Results in Death, Found Off Road Dead, Found On Racetrack Dead, Found On Roadside Dead, Found On Round Dead, Fuck Off Redneck Driver, Fuck Over Rebuilt Dodge, Fucked On Race Day, Fucked On Recent Deal, Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodge, Fucked Over Rebuilt Dodges, Fucked up or rebuilt Dodge, Fuckin Ol Rusty Dodge, Fuckin Old Rebuilt Dodge, Fucking Owner's Really Dumb, Fucking Owners Really Dumb
6) Сокращение: Fix Or Repair Daily, Found On Road Dead, Found On Roadside, Dead (This acronym to desribe a project, idea, etc., not worth bothering with, due to high probability of ultimate failure.), Fix On Repair Daily, For Outstanding Reliability and Dependability
7) Университет: Funny Old Red Dogs
8) Сленг: fixed of repaired daily
9) Вычислительная техника: Fix Or Repair Daily (Humor), Found On Road Dead (Humor)
10) Экология: Floating Ocean Research and Development Station
11) НАСДАК: Forward Industries, Inc.
12) Общественная организация: Forum for the Restoration of Democracy
13) НАСА: Flying Orbital Radioactive Disaster

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.