
1) Биология: метод создания неразрывной картины географического распространения ДНК с определенными маркерами, сглаженная неразрывная распределительная технология, SCAT-метод, метод SCAT, SCAT technique, smoothed continuous assignment technique
2) Спорт: Southern California Aerobatic Team
3) Военный термин: Special Advisory Committee on Telecommunications, scout attack, self-contained adaptive transpiration, self-contained automatic transmitter, service command air transport, system for countering AT threats
4) Техника: Schottky cell array technology, satellite communications airborne terminal, space communications and tracking system, spectral color analysis technique, speed control, approach and takeoff system, spray chemical addition tank, submarine classification and tracking, surface controlled avalanche transistor, surface-controlled avalanche transistor, surface-controlled avalanche triode
5) Религия: School Christian Assembly Team
6) Юридический термин: Stop Child Abduction Today, Street Crime Apprehension Team
7) Телекоммуникации: Single Channel Autonomous Trunking
8) Сокращение: School and College Ability Test, Scout / Attack Helicopter, South China Aero Technology Ltd (Hong Kong), Speed Command of Attitude & Thrust, Speed Control Approach & Take-off, sequential component automatic testing
9) Университет: Student Community Action Team
10) Электроника: Sneak Circuit Analysis Tool
11) Транспорт: South County Area Transit, Specialized Community Area Transit, Suffolk County Accessible Transit
12) СМИ: Somerville Community Access Television
13) Контроль качества: simple capability acceptance test
14) НАСА: Solar Composting Advanced Toilet

Универсальный англо-русский словарь. . 2011.