
\\ˈ ̷ ̷| ̷ ̷\ adjective
: heated by the combustion of gaseous fuel

gas-fired furnace

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/gas"fuyeurd'/, adj.
using a gas for fuel.

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gasˈ-fired adjective
Fuelled, or heated, by gas(es)
• • •
Main Entry:gas

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gas-fired UK [ˌɡæs ˈfaɪə(r)d] US [ˈɡæsˌfaɪrd] adjective
using gas as a fuel

gas-fired central heating

Thesaurus: describing machines and pieces of equipmenthyponym parts of machines and machinerymeronym

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gas-fired «GAS FYRD», adjective.
using gas as the source of heat or fuel: »

a gas-fired boiler.

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adj. using a combustible gas as its fuel

gas-fired central heating

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ˌgas-ˈfired [gas-fired] adjective usually before noun (BrE)
using gas as a fuel

gas-fired central heating

a gas-fired power station

Useful english dictionary. 2012.