
carte du jour
a list of dishes available at a restaurant

the menu was in French

Syn: ↑menu, ↑bill of fare, ↑card, ↑carte
Hypernyms: ↑bill
Hyponyms: ↑a la carte, ↑prix fixe, ↑table d'hote

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\\-dəˈzhu̇(ə)r, -u̇ə\ noun (plural cartes du jour \\“\)
Etymology: French, literally, the day's menu
: menu

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/kahrt" deuh zhoor", dooh, dyooh/; Fr. /kannrddt dyuu zhoohrdd"/, pl. cartes du jour /kahrts" deuh zhoor", dooh, dyooh/; Fr. /kannrddt dyuu zhoohrdd"/.
menu (def. 1).
[1935-40; < F: menu of the day]

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carte du jour /dü zhoor/ noun
Menu (of the day)
• • •
Main Entry:carte

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carte du jour «KART doo ZHOOR»,
French. a menu or bill of fare for the day: »

When I arrived at my table, I did not even look at the carte du jour (New Yorker).

Useful english dictionary. 2012.