
case shot
a metallic cylinder packed with shot and used as ammunition in a firearm
Syn: ↑canister, ↑canister shot
Hypernyms: ↑ammunition, ↑ammo
Part Meronyms: ↑shot, ↑pellet

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\\ˈkās(h)ˌshät\ noun
Etymology: case (II)
: an artillery projectile consisting of a number of balls or metal fragments enclosed in a case — see canister 3

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a collection of small projectiles in a case, to be fired from a cannon. Also called canister, canister shot.

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case shot,
the small projectiles contained in a case, as the shot or metal fragments in a canister or a shrapnel shell.

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n. historical bullets or pieces of metal in an iron case fired from a cannon

Useful english dictionary. 2012.