
medieval plate armor to protect a horse's head
Syn: ↑chamfron, ↑testiere, ↑frontstall, ↑front-stall
Hypernyms: ↑armor plate, ↑armour plate, ↑armor plating, ↑plate armor, ↑plate armour

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variant of chamfron

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/chan"freuhn/, n.
a piece of plate armor for defending a horse's head.
Also, chamfron. Also called frontstall.
[late ME shamfron < AF, OF champfrein, perh. for *chafrein (with -m- perh. from chamfrein CHAMFER, though the senses are unrelated), n. deriv. of chafre(s)ner lit., to put a bridle on < VL *cap(um) head (for caput; see CHIEF) + *-frenare, v. deriv. of L frenum bridle]

Useful english dictionary. 2012.