
land crab
1. : any of certain crabs chiefly of the family Gecarinidae of the coasts of warm countries that live mostly upon land and breed in the sea and that include many forms (as Gecarinus ruricola) that attain considerable size and are eaten by man
2. Australia : a burrowing crawfish (Eugaeus fossor)

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any of several crabs, esp. of the family Gecarcinidae, that live chiefly upon land, returning to the sea to breed.

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land crab noun
Any crab that lives much or mostly on land
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Main Entry:land

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land crab,
any one of various large crabs that inhabit the coasts of many tropical countries.

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n. a crab that lives in burrows inland and migrates in large numbers to the sea to breed. Family Gecarcinidae: Cardisoma and other genera

Useful english dictionary. 2012.